The “Talk. They Hear You.” campaign aims to reduce underage drinking and substance use among youths under the age of 21 by providing parents and caregivers with information and resources they need to address alcohol and other drug use with their children early.
Parents have a significant influence in their children’s decisions to experiment with alcohol and other drugs. Check out these resources to help you start talking to your kids about the dangers of drinking alcohol and using other drugs at a young age.
Talk with your child about alcohol & other drugs.
Download SAMHSA's Family Agreement Form: Avoiding Alcohol, to make sure you and your child is on the same page about family rules about drinking underage.
Download SAMHSA's "Talk, They Hear You" tools to talk with your child about the harms of underage drinking and marijuana use.
"The mission of the Coalition is to promote and support a healthy and safe environment, free from alcohol,
tobacco, and other drug misuse, violence, and related social issues affecting our youth and families."
Kristen Thorstenson
Copyright © 2019 Coalition for Youth and Families - All Rights Reserved.